Source: models/workspace.ts

 * @fileoverview Defines the Workspace class and related types for managing Shortcut workspace data.
 * This module handles workspace configuration, story management, and caching functionality.

import { Story } from "./story";
import { BaseModel } from "./base";
import { MemberInfo } from "./memberInfo";
import { Workflow } from "./workflow";
import { ShortcutClient } from "@shortcut/client";

/** Base type for model attributes */
type BaseAttributes = Record<string, unknown>;

/** Interface defining the structure of workspace attributes */
interface WorkspaceAttributes extends BaseAttributes {
    name: string;
    apiToken: string;
    pendingStories: Story[];
    workflows: Workflow[];
    estimate_scale?: number[] | undefined;
    url_slug?: string | undefined;

 * Class representing a Shortcut workspace.
 * Handles workspace data, story management, and interactions with the Shortcut API.
 * @extends BaseModel
export class Workspace extends BaseModel {
    name: string;
    apiToken: string;
    client: ShortcutClient;
    pendingStories: Story[];
    workflows: Workflow[] | [];
    memberInfo: MemberInfo | undefined = undefined;
    estimate_scale: number[] | undefined;
    url_slug: string | undefined;
    /** Key used for caching workspace data */
    static cacheKey: string = "workspaces";

     * Creates a new Workspace instance
     * @param {WorkspaceAttributes} attributes - The workspace attributes
    constructor(attributes: WorkspaceAttributes) {
        super(); = ?? "";
        this.apiToken = attributes.apiToken ?? "";
        this.pendingStories = attributes.pendingStories ?? [];
        this.workflows = attributes.workflows ?? [];
        this.client = new ShortcutClient(attributes.apiToken);
        this.estimate_scale = attributes.estimate_scale ?? [];
        this.url_slug = attributes.url_slug ?? "";
     * Creates Workspace instances from JSON string
     * @param {string} json - JSON string containing workspace data
     * @returns {Workspace[]} Array of Workspace instances
    static fromJSON(json: string): Workspace[] {
        return JSON.parse(json).map((workspace: WorkspaceAttributes) => {
            const attributes: WorkspaceAttributes = {
                apiToken: workspace.apiToken,
                pendingStories: workspace.pendingStories,
                workflows: workspace.workflows,
                estimate_scale: workspace.estimate_scale,
                url_slug: workspace.url_slug
            return new Workspace(attributes);

     * Converts workspace instance to JSON string
     * @returns {string} JSON string representation of the workspace
    toJSON(): string {
        return JSON.stringify(this.toObject());

     * Converts workspace instance to plain object
     * @returns {WorkspaceAttributes} Plain object representation of the workspace
    toObject(): WorkspaceAttributes {
        return {
            apiToken: this.apiToken,
            pendingStories: this.pendingStories,
            workflows: this.workflows,
            estimate_scale: this.estimate_scale,
            url_slug: this.url_slug

     * Updates workspace attributes with new data
     * @param {Object} data - New workspace data
     * @param {MemberInfo} memberInfo - Updated member information
    updateAttributes(data: { workspace2: { estimate_scale: number[] | undefined, url_slug: string | undefined }}, memberInfo: MemberInfo) {
            this.estimate_scale = data.workspace2.estimate_scale;
            this.url_slug = data.workspace2.url_slug;
            this.memberInfo = memberInfo;

     * Retrieves workspaces from cache or creates new ones from API tokens
     * @param {object | undefined} apiTokens - API tokens for workspace creation
     * @returns {Promise<Workspace[]>} Array of workspace instances
    static async get(apiTokens: object | undefined): Promise<Workspace[]> {
        let workspaces = Workspace.getFromCache();

        if (workspaces) {
            console.log("loaded from cache");
            for (const workspace of workspaces) {
                workspace.memberInfo = await MemberInfo.get(workspace);
                workspace.workflows = await Workflow.get(workspace);

            return workspaces;

        workspaces = [];
        if (!apiTokens) {
            return workspaces;
        for (const [key, value] of Object.entries(apiTokens)) {
			const workspace = new Workspace({
                name: key,
                apiToken: value as string,
                pendingStories: [],
                workflows: [],
            workspace.memberInfo = await MemberInfo.get(workspace);
            workspace.workflows = await Workflow.get(workspace);

        return workspaces;

     * Retrieves workspaces from cache
     * @returns {Workspace[] | undefined} Array of workspace instances or undefined if cache is empty
    static getFromCache(): Workspace[] | undefined {
        const cache = Workspace.context.globalState.get(Workspace.cacheKey);
        if (!cache) {
            return undefined;

        return Workspace.fromJSON(cache as string);

     * Saves workspaces to cache
     * @param {Workspace[]} workspaces - Array of workspaces to cache
    static saveToCache(workspaces: Workspace[]) {
        const object = => workspace.toObject());
        Workspace.context.globalState.update(Workspace.cacheKey, JSON.stringify(object));

     * Deletes workspace cache and related caches
     * @param {Workspace[] | undefined} workspaces - Optional workspaces to clear related caches
    static deleteCache(workspaces: Workspace[] | undefined = undefined) {
        Workspace.context.globalState.update(Workspace.cacheKey, undefined);
        if (workspaces) {
            for (const workspace of workspaces) {

     * Fetches and updates pending stories for the workspace
     * @returns {Promise<void>}
    async getPendingStories(): Promise<void> {
        this.pendingStories = await Story.pendingTasks(this, this.client);

     * Fetches and updates workflows for the workspace
     * @returns {Promise<Workflow[]>} Array of workflows
    async getWorkflows(): Promise<Workflow[]> {
        this.workflows = await Workflow.get(this);
        return this.workflows;

     * Fetches and organizes stories assigned to the workspace member
     * Groups stories by workflow and workflow state
     * @returns {Promise<void>}
    async getAssignedStories(): Promise<void> {
        const stories = await Story.assignedToMember(this);
        const groupedStories = stories.reduce((acc: Record<number, Record<number, Story[]>>, story) => {
            acc[story.workflow_id] ||= {};
            acc[story.workflow_id][story.workflow_state_id] ||= [];
            return acc;
        }, {});

        this.workflows.forEach(workflow => {
            workflow.states.forEach(state => {
                state.stories = groupedStories[]?.[] ?? [];